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The Franconia Childrens Center (FCC) needs cash

Cover Image for The Franconia Childrens Center (FCC) needs cash
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FRANCONIA — The Franconia Children’s Center (FCC) needs cash to maintain its 73 Main St. home. The property owners plan to sell the 5,443-square-foot building along with a 0.63-acre parcel and have granted the non-profit children’s center the right of first refusal. This means the FCC must raise $685,000 quickly, with a soft deadline of Dec. 31. While FCC has a valid lease through August 2026, purchasing the building would ensure long-term stability for the center and the families it serves. Laura McCarthy, a board member at FCC, emphasized the importance of keeping the center open for the community. “We are the largest daycare and preschool center in northern Grafton County,” she said. “If we were to close, it would significantly impact the local area.”

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