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A federal jury has convicted a Bennington drug user

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RUTLAND — A federal jury has convicted a Bennington drug user on two felony charges concerning possession of an unregistered bomb at his former residence two years ago. Tyler J. Hayes, 42, was convicted for possession of a destructive device between September 2022 and February 2023 in North Bennington. The jury also found Hayes guilty of a second felony count for being an unlawful user of controlled substances, including fentanyl while knowingly possessing the homemade bomb. Bennington Police reported a property manager for 351 Overlea Road found the homemade bomb on Feb. 16, 2023, shortly after Hayes moved out. The jury deliberated about 9 hours over two days before returning the verdict in U.S. District Court on Thursday afternoon — the sixth day of the trial. Visiting Federal Judge Joseph N. Laplante of New Hampshire agreed Hayes needed to remain in custody pending sentencing. Hayes faces up to 10 years on the bomb possession charge and 15 years on the drug count.

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